A Separate State of Mind | A Blog by Elie Fares

While politicians from Lebanon’s two main political camps bicker over an electoral law they can’t wait to disagree upon, the campaigns to kick off the 2013 election season have begun with “Khlosna Ba2a” – Enough is enough.

The main party behind the campaign is the National Dialogue Party (NDP), spear-headed by engineer and businessman Fouad Makhzoumi who’s a known philanthropist.

The campaign aims to show what I think the majority of Lebanese believe and it’s our utter disgust at the current situation of the country: corruption, immigration, violence, dismal economical prospects, lack of proper dialogue, entrenched sectarianism. And the list goes on.

While I believe that such campaigns, similarly to Take Back Parliament, should have been started a long time ago and not only a few months before the elections in order to rally people and have a functional grass-root movement to get their votes…

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Lebanese Voices's Blog

NowLebanon published: Lebanon’s first civil marriage, (yesterday in arabic) today.

The Lebanese sphere has been buzzing with the news since yesterday, but the headline is only half the story; “The request is now in the hands of the Consultations Committee at the Ministry of the Interior pending its official announcement.

I will only declare this a win when the papers are approved by the Ministry of Interior … call me a pessimist, but with disgrace like the “Orthodox Electoral Law” gaining monumental support across political factions in this dismal country, i can expect alot of bullshit rejections and obstacles to spur up in this process of approving any form of intermarriage between humans-carrying-different-pendants-on-their-necks in Lebanon.

Nonetheless i congratulate Lawyer Talal Husseini for discovering yet another loop-hole in the system 😉
Lebanese Civilization, status: pending approval.

A Separate State of Mind: Lebanon’s First Ever Civil Marriage
“Billets d’humeur” on Lebanon: An Unorthodox Proposal…

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يا رب ﺍﺭﺣﻢ ﻓﻘﻴﺮﺍ ﻳﺮﺗﺠﻒ ﺍﻻﻥ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﺩ

Poor Guy

It is really an expressive photo that touched my heart, it shows two poor brothers struggling from cold weather. Where is people to see what is happening to our brothers and sisters !! What a shame !

We should be united, as we need peace and love, we should share it and give it to anyone that need it.

Feelings ??? Ha ! some people has no heart!

May god be with you !

Via MohamadHSaker



قبل أن يفتتح المهندس غريغوري غاتسيريليا غاليري Smo في الكرنتينا، التي تشهد “إقتحاماً” جدّياً للفن على أنواعه، كان يجمّع مُختلف التصاميم، لاسيما تلك التي كان زبائنه لا يقتنعون بأهميتها، أو يقفون بلا ردّ فعل حيال جمالها.

كان يُصاب بما يُشبه الإحباط، ما دفعه مراراً إلى شراء التصاميم لنفسه. وبعد مرور سنوات، إكتشف أن عددها أمسى كبيراً، وانها تستحق أن تُعرض، فكانت غاليري Smogallery التي إفتتحها في آب 2011. إختار إسم Smo لأنه كان يبحث، في الدرجة الأولى، عن إسم يسهل لفظه، وقد وجد في هذا الإسم التجريدي ما يُشبه النغم الذي يتناوله الناس وإن إختلفت اللّغات التي يتحاورون بها. تطلّبت منه مسألة الإختيار 6 أشهر، وبعد بحوث مُكثّفة ألّف هذا الإسم، الذي تفاعل معه الأصدقاء ومحيط غريغوري. يروي، “الإسم تجريدي وفي الحقيقة إنه يرمز أكثر إلى صوت أو نغمة. أردته بسيطاً بإعتبار ان إسمي يميل إلى التعقيد بعض الشيء. أردت إختيار النقيض، كما ان إسم Smo بدا جميلاً”. أمّا الكارنتينا،…

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